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I recently fell a bit delinquent in my efforts to improve my physique. Truthfully, if I hadn't been using my membership card to cut Robert Evans Hollywood party-sized lines of Bolivian cocaine last Thursday, I still might not know that my gym membership expired three months previous. Seizing this as a small but impossible to ignore cosmic sign (while perhapsh ignoring a somewhat larger sign - the cardiac arrest I suffered from that evening's ferocious ingestion of cocaine and Caramello bars), I made up my mind to renew my gym membership.

True to my word, the very next Tuesday I instructed my cleaning lady to carry me straight to the gym, without stops for water or fatigue. I was ready to pay the full five hundred dollars for a "Platinum" plan - the yearly fee includes full access to all facilities, free classes, all the towels you can sniff in your very own private Sniffing Chamber, and the permission to remove someone with a lesser membership plan from any piece of equipment you wish to use. However, after a quick scan of my history of gym activity which revealed that I had not attended one single class and had done fewer than 2,000 crunches for the entire fiscal year, I was informed that it might be in my best interest to choose a less expensive plan for the upcoming year.

I acquiesced and signed over a check in the amount of eighty-three dollars for the "Corrugated Cardboard" annual membership. Under the terms of this membership plan, I can use any equipment not in plain view of passers-by or female members of my gym. All in all, the plan is actually pretty lean in its benefits. I can, thankfully, continue to eat my mini-raviolis on the Stairmaster whenever I want. Membership does, occasionally, have its privileges.

Even though it has only been one day since I renewed my membership, my discipline is already improving phenomenally. In fact, as soon as I finish writing this I am heading to the gym. I'm already dressed in my gym outfit: black combat fatigues, Wolverine workboots, commando sweater, shoulder holster, ski mask, and two giant canvas sacks with a large "$" sign painted on each. (Or, as they're known in exercise lexicon, my "heavy hands") This outfit is completely practical for me because I like to use the treadmill but I hate to run. So, in order to mentally overcome my disdain for this form of exercise, I pretend I'm running from something. Today I'll be running from the Chicago police department. Yesterday I wore a panther skin and pretended I was running from an angry triceratops. It's a little extra work, but I feel fantastic.


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